5/11/2008-Jarrett Luttrell, Brittany Walker(skier), Frank Konsella(skier), and JC White(skier) climbed the West Ridge of Windom and descend the Widowmaker.  Check out Jarrett's trip report at http://www.14ers.com/php14ers/tripreport.php?trip=5570&parmuser=Easy+Rider&s=25&np=3&cpgm=tripuser .
5/26/2009- Erik Kling and Tom Courtright descend the Windom Widowmaker.  Pat Kelley descends the West face.
5/14/2010-Marc Barella, Carl Dowdy(skier), Ben Conners(skier), and Matt Kamper(skier) climb and descend the Widowmaker.  Check out Ben Conners trip report at http://www.14ers.com/php14ers/tripreport.php?trip=7916&parmpeak=Windom+Peak&cpgm=tripmain&ski=Only  .
Windom Peak  14,082'
A view of Erik Kling and Tom Courtright's tracks in the Windom Widowmaker on Windom Peak, photo by James Cromie, 2009.
photo-Jarrett Luttrell coming out the bottom of the Widowmaker, photo by Brittany Walker, 2008.
  Windom peak and its sister peaks, Sunlight and Eolus ring in Chicago basin in the heartland of the San Juan mountains.  These peaks are remote, hard to access, and rugged. The northwest face offers the only known snowboard/ski descents.  It has several descent options on this face, with the steepest being the Windom Widowmaker. 
photo-Tom Courtright descending the Widowmaker.  photo by Erik Kling, 2009
photo-Marc Barella dropping into the Widowmaker. photo by Ben Conners, 2010
photo- Marc Barella and party climbing the Widowmaker.  photo by Matt Kamper, 2010
photo- Jarrett Luttrell snowboarding through Chicago Basin after a descent of Wimdom peak.  photo by Jordan White, 2008
photo-Jarrett Luttrell climbing Windom Peak.  photo by Jordan White, 2008