5/16/2009-Colin Murphy descends the northwest face of Blanca peak.  This is the earliest known snowboard descent of this peak
5/17/2009- Erik Kling and Tom Courtright descend the northwest face of Blanca Peak. 
4/12/2010-Jarrett Luttrell climbs and descends the northwest face of Blanca.  Check out Jarrett's tr at : http://www.14ers.com/php14ers/tripreport.php?trip=7798&parmuser=easy+rider&cpgm=tripmain&ski=Include  .
4/25/2010- Brennan Metzler, Brittany Walker(skier), and Tom Runcie(skier) climb and descend the northwest face.  Check out Brennan's trip report at http://www.14ers.com/php14ers/tripreport.php?trip=7850&parmpeak=Blanca+Peak&cpgm=tripmain&ski=Only  .
5/1/2010- Marc Barella, Carl Dowdy(skier), Ben Conners(skier), and Mike(skier) climb and descend the northwest face.  Check out Carl Dowdy's trip report at http://www.14ers.com/php14ers/tripreport.php?trip=7866&parmpeak=Blanca+Peak&cpgm=tripmain&ski=Only  .
Blanca Peak  14,345'
photo- A view of the Northwest face of Blanca Peak, photo by Erik Kling, 2009
  Blanca is the highest peak in the Sangre de Cristo Mountain range and the fourth highest peak in Colorado.  From south of Blanca you have to look all the way to Mexico's volcanos to reach the next highest peak.  The only known snowboard/ski descent route on this peak is the northwest face pictured above.
photo-Marc Barella descending the northwest face of Blanca.  photo by Carl Dowdy, 2010