6/11/2004- Erik Kling(solo) rode the upper 1800 vertical feet of the Northwest Face of Wilson Peak down into Silverpick Basin.  He then climbed back up to the "Rock of Ages" saddle and descended another 1000' into Navajo Basin.  This is the earliest recorded descent of Wilson Peak.
4/2006- Jason Troth climbs Wilson Peak and descends the northeast face.
4/20/2009- Jarrett Luttrell climbed the southwest ridge of Wilson Peak and descended the northeast face.  Check out his TR at http://www.14ers.com/php14ers/tripreport.php?trip=5806&parmuser=Easy+Rider&s=25&np=3&cpgm=tripuser
5/12/2010-Zach Taylor, Craig Burger(tele), and Mike Bannister(skier) climb and descend the northwest face.
Wilson Peak  14,017'
a view of the North west face of Wilson peak, photo by Jarrett Luttrell, 2009.
Jarrett Luttrell looking down his descent of the Northwest face of Wilson peak. photo by Jarrett Luttrell, 2009.
photo- Zach Taylor descending to northwest face of Wilson Peak.  photo by Craig Burger, 2010
photo-Zach Taylor climbing into the bottom of the couloir that is just above the northwest face.  photo by Craig Burger, 2010
  Wilson Peak is in the San Miguel mountains a sub range of the San Juans on its western side.  The famous northeast face of Wilson Peak is the face shown on any Coors beer can you can find.  It is a steep, technical descent on a solar aspect.  It is also the only known route that goes from the summit.  Wilson Peak also has another classic, steep line, the northwest face/couloir.  This line does not go from the summit as several hundred feet of third class ridge scrambling stand between the top of the couloir and the true summit.  It is also a worthy line though.  It is slightly less steep and sustained as the northeast face.