Mt. Elbert is the highest mountain in Colorado. It rises almost directly above Leadville from the west. It has several nice snow routes. The east face, gets slushy and avalanche prone quickly in the spring but it does make an excellent steep descent when ridden at the right time. The west couloir also makes a classic descent.
Due to ease of access and reputation as the highest peak in Colorado it was probably ridden in the early days of snowboarding. Any dates you can supply would be extremely helpful.
-March 1998- Dan Bogardus rides Mt. Elbert
-5/21/2006- Erik Kling and Tom Courtright descend the West Couloir on Mt. Elbert.
3/11/2007-Chris Buck and Ben Conners(skier) ascend the East ridge and descend the Box Creek Cirque. Ben Conners TR is at
picture: Justin Heller(left,skier) and Elizabeth Koutralakos(right, snowboarder) heading up the northeast ridge of Mt. Elbert to ride the Box Creek Cirque, May 2006. courtesy of Zach Taylor
Erik Kling and Tom Courtright's tracks in the West Couloir of Mt, Elbert, photo by Tom Courtright, 2006
photo-pictured laft to right-Justin Heller(skier), Elizabeth Koutrelakos, and Zach Taylor on the summit of Mt. Elbert just before descending the Box Creek Cirque. photo courtesy of Zach Taylor, 2006.